Imagine the Holidays with no Stress!
Get My FREE Planning For Peace During The Holidays eBook Today!

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Do you struggle to get through the Holidays?
Is the emotional and financial stress just too much? Then you need my ebook.
As a Financial Coach, mother, and wife of 30 years, I truly understand the internal and external financial struggles many of us face around the holidays. This topic is often filled with tension and disagreements. But who wants to argue about something that is supposed to be a celebration of love!? We are all raised with different traditions and economic situations so this time of year can make us ripe for conflict, stress, and guilt. The goal of my book is to change that for good.
Planning For Peace During The Holidays provides the emotional advice and financial tools you need to set parameters around the holidays -so you don’t find them sucking your time, money, and energy. Download my free eBook today to stop stressing over the holidays.
Just click the button above and fill out our short form to get my Free eBook, Planning for Peace During the Holidays!
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