A Simple Plan To Get More From Your Money

by | Aug 17, 2022

Planning how to spend your money wisely is something most of us tend to never get around to.

Each month, a family in 2022 has money coming in and out of multiple bank accounts, credit cards, checks, and automatic bill payments – it can make your head spin! 

If you can hardly keep track of it all, take a deep breath… exhale –  you are doing the best you can.

But what if there was a way to get MORE out of your current household income, just by setting some simple, clear financial goals? You can get more from your money and your money can work for you.

If you want your money to work for you – you have to be intentional with it and have a plan. 

Without being intentional with your money and prioritizing your financial goals, you may be: 

  • Unsure where all your money is going – everything from bills to dining out.
  • Unable to save for the “things” and vacations you really want – getting what you want means being intentional. 
  • Missing out on the benefits of using your money wisely – like earning interest instead of paying it.

As a financial coach in Northern Colorado and across the country, I see it happening more and more as the desirability of the area and the cost of living continues to rise. More people need a plan to get MORE from their money.

4 Simple Ways to Solidify Your Financial Plan & Meet Your Financial Goals

Here are four simple ways to figure out what’s most important to you and create a plan on how to spend your money in a way that works for your lifestyle. 

1. Make a list of all your financial priorities.

This can be anything from vacations to health insurance to paying down debt. Without a list of priorities, you won’t know what you are working for and it’s easier to get off track.

2. Rank them in order of importance.

This doesn’t mean that the things at the top of the list are more important than the things at the bottom, but rather that they are more important for you to focus on at this time. Knowing the order allows you to focus on the immediate while planning for the future.

3. Take action on the things that are most important to you.

This means putting your money and energy into the things that are most important to you first and then working your way down your list. You don’t have to feel bad about getting the things you want unless it’s hurting your financial goals.

4. Revisit your financial plan & list often.

Things change, and your priorities may change as well. Make sure to update your list regularly to reflect your truest goals. Last year’s plan may not work for this year’s goals, so be sure to keep it current. Remove the things that are no longer serving you to make room for the new.

A simple financial plan is the easiest to stick with.

Just by doing these 4 things you will have a recession-proof plan to make your money go further. If it sounds daunting or you are unsure where to even start, don’t worry – you don’t have to figure it all out on your own!    

If you are ready to take control of your finances and become intentional with your income, contact me to learn how to create a spending plan to eliminate debt and build wealth.  We will schedule some time together and see if we are a good fit to work together. I’ll learn about your struggles and goals, and you’ll learn about my financial coaching program. Schedule your Discovery Call today.

About Penny Kidd

I'm a social worker turned Financial Coach. I'm completely debt-free (including my house!) and help others make their money behave by doing a budget and becoming intentional with their money.

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