4 Things Every Woman Needs To Be Empowered By Her Finances

by | Mar 17, 2022

As a modern woman, it’s an act of liberation to both feel and be truly empowered by your finances.


Feeling strong about the way your money works for you and living the life you want should come without sacrificing your quality of life.

There are certain steps every woman should take in order to feel in control of her financial future. As a Financial Lifestyle Coach, I understand that we all want to feel good about our money. Without having to cut every corner and not enjoy the things that make our lives worth living.

I’m here to help you feel more in control and inspired by your finances. Check out my list of the four things every woman needs to do to become empowered by her finances.

4 Things To Do To Be Empowered By Your Finances:

1.Pay yourself first. Yes, you heard that right. Investopedia states that the idea of “Paying yourself first” is a personal finance strategy of increased and consistent savings and investment while also promoting frugality. The goal is to make sure that enough income is saved or invested before monthly expenses or discretionary purchases are made. This puts you in control of your financial future. So far, this is the most direct path I’ve found to financial freedom that will set you up for success with longevity.


2. Plan for the things you want.  We all love the finer things in life: vacations, events, clothes, etc. So planning ahead for life’s little luxuries can help us to better enjoy them, without breaking the bank. Are you proactively planning ahead and budgeting, or are you impulsive spending? It’s easy to waste money on just about anything, so it’s important to keep in mind that all those little things add up to a lot.

Are you ready to create a secure financial future, schedule a free discovery call with me here.


3. Know your money. Many people simply don’t know where to begin when it comes to tracking their spending, but it’s crucial to understand when it comes to building wealth. It’s vital for you to know what’s going in and out, moneywise. Then you can work to plug up any unnecessary leaks to live the lifestyle you want. Knowing your money is the key to growing your money.


4. Get the help you need. We think it all rests on our shoulders but it doesn’t have to be that way. Financial coaching can be a useful support system while on your quest for financial freedom. Schedule your free discovery call today on my website and start living a life empowered by your finances.


If you are ready to take the next step on your journey and to feel empowered with both your lifestyle and finances, then let’s schedule some time together. I want to get to know you a bit and see if we are a good fit to work together. I’ll learn about your struggles and goals, and you’ll learn about my financial coaching program.

About Penny Kidd

I'm a social worker turned Financial Coach. I'm completely debt-free (including my house!) and help others make their money behave by doing a budget and becoming intentional with their money.

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