7 Simple Things You Can Do To Reset Your Finances This Fall

by | Sep 15, 2021

As we step into Fall, it feels like a reset of our lives and goals, personally and financially. It is almost a mini New Year’s!

A lot of us feel excited about the seasons ahead, and look to set new goals to make the rest of the year the best it can be. 

Making smart financial goals this Fall can help you to truly be successful in the months and years ahead. Check out my list below of seven simple things you can do to reset your finances this Fall.

7 Simple Things You Can Do To Reset Your Finances This Fall: 

  1. Start outlining your Fall and holiday spending now: Being proactive versus reactive is vitally important in terms of resetting your financial forecast. Whether through a spreadsheet, a whiteboard, or whatever other method feels right for you, having a clear financial picture will help to set you up for success moving forward. Planning ahead financially for Fall and holiday spending can provide you more wiggle room, so you’re not pinching pennies or struggling to catch up later.  
  2. Start saving for the holidays now: According to Investopedia, the average American spent $998 on gifts, holiday items, and other expenses last holiday season. Holiday spending seems to steadily increase every year, and the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in prices going way up due to shortages and shipping delays. If you haven’t started putting away money for holiday expenditures, you should start now. 
  3. Start working on your 2022 budget: My favorite b-word is budget! Setting a budget helps you to limit your spending, allowing you to reach your financial goals. If you’re struggling to figure out a budget on your own, meet with me to prepare your next year’s spending plan.
  4. Reassess your current spending plan: The end of the year tends to really drain us financially, so ask yourself if there is anything you can cut back on now so that you have a little extra cushion.
  5. Curb any bad habits: Things like daily coffees and eating out tend to creep in during the summer months, so take the time now to reset any bad habits you may have picked up. 
  6. Reconnect with your money: Your prosperity is what gives you the freedom to live the lifestyle you want to. Financial stress can lead us to disconnect from the energy that is currency. Working on your relationship with your money can allow you to usher in more of it.
  7. Be thankful: Showing gratitude for the money you do have and for all that you get to do because of it, is such an important practice. Oftentimes we fall into a place of lack or poverty mentality due to current or past money issues, and it can push us into an ugly cycle that can be difficult to break. Some of this comes from the way we were raised, and our parents’ relationships and attitudes toward money. Try to adjust any negative feelings you may have toward your finances this Fall, and you will see money begin to flow more freely. 

Now is the perfect time to reset your financial story and adjust so you are prepared for the rest of the year and into the next! 

If you are seeking financial freedom and would benefit from financial coaching services, let’s schedule some time together by phone or video conference. This will allow us to get to know each other a bit, and to see if we are a good fit to work together. I’ll learn about your struggles and goals, and you’ll learn about my financial coaching program. You can schedule your 45 Minute Initial Discovery Session right now at https://pennywisecoaching.com/contact-pennywise-coaching/.

About Penny Kidd

I'm a social worker turned Financial Coach. I'm completely debt-free (including my house!) and help others make their money behave by doing a budget and becoming intentional with their money.

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