How to Balance Today’s Desires with Tomorrow’s Freedom

by | Jul 4, 2024

“I make too much money to be this broke.” Have you said those words?

Many people are struggling to find a balance between how much they make and how much they have; while still living a life they love and getting to do things that matter to them. 

So, what is causing this? How come you look at your income and see and big number but then look at your bank account and see a tiny one? How come your retirement planning is the bare bones at best? 

Today, I’m diving deep into reforming your relationship with money – not just to manage it better but to truly make it work for you in the long run and in balance it with the lifestyle you want to live.

The Illusion of Prestige: Choosing Value Over Vanity

It’s easy to get caught up in the pressure to “keep up with the Joneses,” whether that’s choosing expensive schools or buying into high-end lifestyles. This pressure can warp our perception of what’s truly necessary for happiness and success. Pushing us toward making decisions that may look good right now but strain our finances in the future. 

The burden is not just about the immediate impact on your bank account; it’s also about the long-term effects on your financial health, personal well-being, and your future finances. 

Living beyond your means can lead to a cycle of debt, making it harder to achieve true financial freedom. It’s important to step back and assess what truly adds value to your life and align your spending with those goals rather than external validation.

A poignant example comes from my own experience with my daughter. Mallory was in high school and was looking at attending university. She loved theatre and was interested in attending New York University. We lived an hour away from at least four amazing Universities in Colorado. It was a tough conversation but we didn’t want her to be in debt after college and didn’t have the means to cover an out of state school of that magnetude. She found Metro State University in Denver had a great technical theatre program.

Both had great programs and great education, but one came with years of high-interest student loans and the other was afforable enough to pay each semester at a time. After an honest conversation about money, debt, interest rates, and the commitment to student loans – the choice was easy. After graduation she moved to NYC and works in the theatre district. She’s now super grateful to be debt free at 30 unlike so many of her friends.

Living Beyond the Now: Planning for the Future You Want

Focusing solely on immediate gratification can jeopardize your long-term financial health.
It’s crucial to consider how your spending today will affect your tomorrow. 

Are you setting aside enough for retirement? Are your current financial choices going to secure your future, or are they merely serving short-term desires? (Like spending $60 on another Stanley Cup 😉) Planning isn’t about restriction; it’s about making choices that balance enjoyment today with security tomorrow.

Ways To Strike A Better Financial Balance

  1. Debt Reduction: Start by tackling high-interest debts. These are not just burdens; they’re barriers to your financial freedom.
  2. Living Within Your Means: Create a budget/spending that reflects your real priorities – not just survival, but thriving. It’s not about cutting out all joys, but choosing them wisely. Double down on what truly matters to you, and cut away all the nonsense. 
  3. Future Planning: Consider investments like retirement savings. Let’s look at a compound interest example of investing $50,000 at age 40 versus age 55. 

At age 40, your investment would grow to approximately $247,116 by age 65

If you start at age 55, the same investment would only grow to about $94,742 age 65

That is a difference of $152,374 for the exact same inital investment – This demonstrates the powerful effect of compounding interest over time. And that you are taking away from your future when you overspend and underplan today. 

Disclaimer: This example uses a standard annual compounding interest rate of 6.6%. The figures are illustrative and should not be considered as specific financial advice

If you want to play with your numbers yourself, check out this Retirement Income Calculator from Bankrate.

Balancing Your Finances to Illuminate Your Future

To achieve financial freedom, it’s crucial to redefine your money mindset. Move away from the pressure of appearances and instead make decisions that truly resonate with your values and dreams.

Remember, managing your finances isn’t about restriction; it’s about purposefulness. It involves making choices today that will safeguard your tomorrow.

Let’s take the next step together. If you’re ready to transform your financial journey and align your lifestyle with your goals, schedule a free Discovery Call with me today. Together, we can craft a plan that ensures you’re thriving, not just surviving.

Ready to take control of your financial future? Let’s get started.

About Penny Kidd

I'm a social worker turned Financial Coach. I'm completely debt-free (including my house!) and help others make their money behave by doing a budget and becoming intentional with their money.

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