Cash is King! How Cash Can Help You Spend Less This Holiday Season

by | Dec 11, 2019

We’ve all heard the phrase “Cash is King,” but what exactly does that mean? Our cash flow is important and can be our most valuable investment tool.

The simple act of spending CASH can help you spend much less; not just at the holidays, but all year round.

The research shows that when you spend cash you will spend 15-18% less because cash is tangible – you actually FEEL it. My clients tell me, ‘I don’t like to spend cash,’ and that’s the point! You want to feel the pain of it leaving your hand when you decide that something is worth it. You can see when cash is running out. When it’s just a swipe at a terminal, your brain cannot possibly keep in mind all the other times you’ve swiped, and what is left to come out of that account (unless you have a great written budget to look at, but that’s another course!) 

One of my earliest smart money moves was signing up for a Christmas Club account where I designated a fixed amount of my check to go into that account each payday, and then in November they dumped it back into my checking to use for Christmas. Now I won’t pretend I did it perfectly (or do it now either), but it’s really nice to have a big chunk of what the budget is already there, and then pull it in cash, and work really hard to stick to it.

It’s not always easy to do the right thing and make changes. Your goal should be to hit January 1 with no extra debt! This may mean that you have to really scale back on your spending on things like eating out or extras in order to find enough for what you hope your budget to be. If those people and activities you’ve been writing about are really as important as you think, then a little sacrifice won’t kill you. Maybe you can find a way to start making some extra money now. Can you work overtime, or find a side hustle? Babysit or donate plasma? Sell some stuff you have around that you really don’t need anymore? Think outside the box on ways to generate a little extra cash flow!

The proper amount of cash on hand can be vitally important to our financial success. Practice managing your cash flow this holiday season, and apply those positive changes to set you up for success in the New Year. Ditch the plastic, and watch your cash flow grow!

About Penny Kidd

I'm a social worker turned Financial Coach. I'm completely debt-free (including my house!) and help others make their money behave by doing a budget and becoming intentional with their money.

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