Your Finances Are Not a Reflection of You

by | Nov 7, 2024

When your finances are a mess, it can feel overwhelming. You might feel embarrassed, ashamed, or like you’re stuck in a cycle of trying and failing.

You’ve tried countless budgeting tools and spreadsheets but just can’t seem to stick with them. It’s not from a lack of effort; I know you’ve tried.

You make too much money to feel this broke, and the frustration is real. But here’s something I want you to remember…

Your finances being a mess does not mean you, as a person, are a mess.

First and foremost, it’s important to give yourself some grace. So often, when our finances aren’t where we want them to be, we tend to internalize those issues, believing they are a reflection of our self-worth. But money problems don’t define you. They are simply challenges that, with the right focus and support, you can overcome.

This month, as we approach Thanksgiving – a time of gratitude and reflection – let’s take a moment to 👉 appreciate where we are at rather than beat ourselves up for where we think we should be. It’s all part of the journey.

If you’ve struggled with budgeting tools and spreadsheets, you’re not alone. Many people start with excitement and intention, but life gets in the way. Between work, family, and everyday stresses, keeping up with a detailed budget can feel impossible and so restricting. 

Honestly, most of the time, those tools don’t address the deeper issues that keep you stuck, like the emotional aspect of money or the confusion around what to prioritize – do you pay off your credit cards first or save for retirement?

It’s important to acknowledge that just because these tools haven’t worked for you in the past doesn’t mean you can’t find a path that does. It’s not about giving up everything you love; it’s about finding a balance that allows you to live a great life while still making progress toward your financial goals.

Here’s a mindset shift I encourage you to make: focus on progress, not perfection. If it takes five years to pay off your credit card debt, that’s okay. But we need to be mindful about when and how we start saving for retirement, too. It’s not about being perfect with every financial decision; it’s about making consistent, focused progress on our goals.

When you’re intentional about your spending and saving, you’ll find that you can have both – a life full of experiences you cherish and a sense of financial stability that grows over time. It might mean making some cuts, but it doesn’t mean saying no to everything fun. It’s about aligning your spending with your values and goals.

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, let’s practice gratitude for where we are right now. Be grateful for the lessons your financial journey has taught you, and recognize that every step you take – no matter how small – is a movement in the right direction.

Even if you’re feeling stuck today, you have the power to make choices that can set you on a better path tomorrow. And remember, you don’t have to do it alone. Finding support can make a huge difference.

As we move through this season of gratitude, give yourself the gift of self-compassion and the grace to know that financial challenges are not a reflection of who you are

Your finances are a part of your life, not a definition of your worth. 

You’ve got this, and I’m here to support you every step of the way. If you’re ready to take control and find a path that works for you, reach out for a free discovery call today. Let’s turn this season into one of transformation and progress.

About Penny Kidd

I'm a social worker turned Financial Coach. I'm completely debt-free (including my house!) and help others make their money behave by doing a budget and becoming intentional with their money.

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