by Penny Kidd | Nov 4, 2019 | Blog, Finance
“What do you really know about your money? Where do you go to find out about your financial health? Will you outlive your money? Penny Kidd of PennyWise Coaching is here to help. ” Guest appearance on my Friend Rikki Smith’s Youtube show Faith on...
by Penny Kidd | Oct 16, 2019 | Blog, Finance
As a Financial Coach I know Holidays can be FUN and DAUNTING for my clients. One of their most common causes of stress – is the toll all this celebrating takes on their finances. My best advice is to plan now for the things that you value and what...
by Penny Kidd | Sep 25, 2019 | Blog, Finance
Financial Freedom to me means not having to worry all the time. It means I can do all the things that make me happy. It means not always focusing on the “have-to-dos.” It also means that I will have the freedom to donate my time and money to...